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Directive Quick Fix

February 2022

Directive 2021-338 "Quick Fix" of February 16, 2021 - providing adjustments to the MiFID II Directive - was published in the Official Journal on February 26, 2021.

Its objective is to support the economic recovery of EU member countries after the Covid-19 pandemic, by removing unnecessary administrative burdens for companies. In particular, it is part of the "Capital Markets Recovery Package" emergency legislative initiative proposed by the European Commission in July 2020, which also contained a targeted revision of the Prospectus Regulation as well as the securitization framework.

EU member states are required to transpose the amendments to the Quick Fix Directive into their national legislation by February 28, 2022. In France, Ordinance 2021-1652 of December 15, 2021 transposed this directive into domestic law.

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