Key stakes
New technologies, market evolution, growing ESG expectations and a restrictive regulatory environment are factors that are transforming organizations. The success of companies is now conditioned by their ability to transform.
In this age of transformation, the models and solutions that have prevailed until now are no longer sufficient. Companies must now think about a fundamental transformation of their model that will give them the agility to adapt permanently to the changes in their environment. Management and corporate culture are becoming essential links in the successful implementation of the strategy.
Ambitious and complex transformation strategies are full of promise but do not always lead to the expected results. Finally, despite a real awareness, companies often forget the importance of change management that accompanies the transformation of technologies or structures.
Our Expertise
Our know-how combines functional expertise and in-depth sectoral knowledge and enables us to offer our clients targeted solutions as well as sustainable and virtuous change within the company.
Our support in managing major transformation programs fosters innovation, builds trust, helps solve complex problems and facilitates decision-making.
We are committed to being a privileged partner for our clients, providing real added value and in line with our values.
We put people at the heart of the transformation process. By paying constant attention to the way in which employees experience and accept change, it becomes possible to anchor adaptations in the long term as the transformation journey progresses and thus to achieve better results at the end of it.
Our Services
SIGMA Partners offers customized support at each stage of a company's transformation projects on a wide range of topics :
- Transformation programs
- Target Operating Model
- Strategic convergence
- Innovation management
- Technological and digital transformation
- Training & support
- Coaching & facilitation