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Founding partner of the firm, Sandrine graduated from EDHEC Grande Ecole and holds a Black Belt Lean Six Sigma certification. She has over 25 years of experience in audit, compliance and internal control functions, including 15 years in operational positions. Sandrine has also developed an expertise in the fields of governance, organization, process optimization, transformation and change management.


After 18 years in the banking sector, François directed for 14 years a consulting and training firm specialized in global risk and crisis management. As a lecturer in several schools and universities, he contributed to the drafting of the ISO 31000 standard and represents SIGMA Partners in the AFNOR standardization commission on risk management.


After a first successful experience in ESN as HR Manager, Noura joined SIGMA Partners to participate in the entrepreneurial adventure and to help structuring the support functions.


With a degree in Banking and Financial Management, Antoine has ten years of experience in financial services. His background in private banking and investment banking gives him a transverse and global view of the banking business. After several years in consulting, Antoine puts his expertise at the service of our clients, tackling organization and transformation issues.


Evolving on Compliance and Internal Control functions in the banking sector since 2015, Laura intervenes on transformation’s projects of risk management processes. Putting her operational experience at the service of her clients since 2019. With an important capacity of adaptation in complex and international environments, Laura has developed over the last years an expertise around data and its exploitation for operational efficiency.


Philippe is a specialist in Information Security and Information Systems. He holds a Specialized Master's degree in Information and Systems Security and numerous other diplomas and certifications in these fields.

His long experience in Information Systems Security, notably within the French Ministry of Defense, makes Philippe a key player in helping companies to secure their IT infrastructure and to ensure the control of service providers.



Giovannella Polidoro started her career as a lawyer in abusiness law firms in Rome. In 2011, She moved to Paris to pursue a PhD in Business Law and Governance, and then join consultancy to develop an expertise in the fields of corporate governance, internal control, and regulatory compliance.

Giovannella shares her vision on these topics in her


Evolving as a cybersecurity consultant for over 10 years, in particular in the banking and defense sectors, David has developed an expertise in the various technical fields of penetration testing and security auditing.


Roberta has over 25 years of international experience in asset management, CIB, retail banking and leasing. Roberta has held various positions of responsibility in the areas of Internal Audit, Compliance and Risk Management and holds the international CIA® and CCSA® certifications. At SIGMA Partners, Roberta is a regular lecturer and an expert on all topics related to Internal Audit and Compliance.


Armande has over 6 years of experience in business continuity and crisis management. She was a consultant before joining Nexity as Risk Mapping Manager. Armande provides consulting services to clients in all sectors, works on the design of advanced risk mapping methodologies and contributes to the development of a training program in crisis management and business continuity.


Graduated from Paris 1 University and EISTI, Rémy has 5 years of experience in supporting companies and associations in organization and project management, global risk and crisis management, and business continuity.

Rémy works with SIGMA Partners on all subjects related to information management and risk control.


With a Master's degree in Audit and Internal Control, Ludmina worked for six years in internal control in various sectors of activity in France and Morocco. In search of new professional challenges, Ludmina joined SIGMA Partners as a risk management consultant to evolve within a dynamic team with varied skills.

Her mantra is "every day is an opportunity".


Attracted by the entrepreneurial spirit, the richness of the missions and the values promoted by SIGMA Partners, Florent joined the firm after an experience in funds distribution and regtech. With a degree in financial law, Florent has handled legal and product development assignments with the launch of a LCB-FT&KYC digitalization service.

He spends his spare time with water polo, cultural escapes, and travels.